An efficient management of your patent portfolios helps you to quickly find information and to keep your patent portfolio well organized.
Patent portfolio management initially comprises the development of application strategies and a subsequent strategic filing of applications abroad.
Your patent portfolio will be designed in accordance with your products and research or development projects and technologies as well as with the object to systematically protect your products and technologies as well as to systematically block competitors.
Furthermore, your patent portfolio can be strategically organized before financing rounds or to a company valuation.
On demand, we build databases for patent management or we manage such databases for you to make sure that you can access information like the following at any time: Which invention is protected in which countries? What is the status of the respective protection rights? What is the extent of protection of the respective patents in different countries? What costs did a certain patent family generate so far? Which inventors are involved in which protection rights? or Which citations regarding a certain patent family in the different examination processes were issued so far?
Furthermore, we manage overview lists regarding your patent portfolio and provide you with overviews of business plans and investors, manage cost statements according to patent families for your finance division or manage and update your address lists, for example regarding inventors which left your company but who might have to be contacted in future, e.g. because of release regulations.